~happy bday kenneth!(3 days late)~
haha. last sat went out to celebrate ken's bday! wanted to blog when i had the pictures in my com. dats why so late then blog. haha. and now i still dun have all of emmm... ohh wells. haha. we'll juz have to make do wif wad we have.
morning... woke up at 11. went out at 12+ lidat meet sandra at suntec. haha. she haven buy her prezzie for kenneth. tsk tsk. so ask me go along to help find. anyways she was late la. so i had some ME time to have lunch and arcade abit.
walk walk walk. at first wanna find this "century sails" or "century sales" or wadeva u call it. anyways it wasn there. haha. so she decided to get him a baby wall. a wallet! haha. yah so we went wallet shop look look see see. ohhh btw saw zhong qin and quan yi feng in their pink top and wings. haha. sandra was so scared she hid in the closest store. (draggin me in as well). haha. kinny. i bet u also met smth lidat rite. lol.
anyways... we manage to "SNEAK" past the camera and crew and ended up at wallet shop. so... go inside... look look see see. the guy took out at least 8-9 diff wallets for her to see. end up she didn buy.
then we went on garfield hunt. haha. by this time kenneth was already going to meet her liao. ohhh yar. forgot to say first. kennneth didn noe we were celebrating bday for him. haha. it was to be a surprise. so anyway... garfield hunt... mini toons at suntec didn have any garfields... then we went in to car-foo(i purposely spelt lidat cos dats how its pronounced and it is totally not becos i dunoe how to spell it properly). yea so we went in. they only had these garfield faces dat seemed to be made out of inferior quality cloth and seem to have been left on the shelf for some time. cos the color seem faded and there was one or two torn ones... haha.
keep in mind dat all this time she was super super stressed out. haha. who wudn if they haven buy present on the bday itself! hahaha. serves u rite! =P lol. she was about to give up and settle for wallet i tink... then i remembered that got shop upstairs sell all the anime anime cartoon cartoon stuff.(toys) so went there. and presto! got some nice garfields there! haha. and i helped pick the cat(and turns out its the one ken prefers more than the other). it had a goofy look. ok i dun mean garfield which looks like goofy... but... u get the pt la huh. anyways. yar. so bought the goofy garfield.. ~_~ still sounds weird to me. haha.
after dat i went to arcade(again...) then go meet up with ding lun and ricky while sandra go meet ken to pei him for the afternoon and basically stall him until his dinner surprise. haha.
after ding arrive. we went to paragon to get dat crumpler bag for kenneth. heh. but first! we pit stopped at venezia for some rum and raisin goodness! hahaha! yarmy.
ok. so now at crumpler store liao. quite alot of bags there. but we didn have a VEERY hard time choosing(although we still did put in effort and a considerable amount of consideration). well... the big bag was too... big. to me it looked like gigantic bananas of diff colors. haha. the small bags were... u guessed it! too small! haha. didn take a rocket scientist now did it? so my eyes landed on these MEDIUM sized bags. apparently they were laptop bags. but hey. wadeva fits the bill rite. and it looks nice too. and we found out later from the store attendant that those are latest designs. woot. haha. kenneth, now u juz nid a laptop. haha. but it makes a good sch bag aso la. heh. ding was tempted to buy one for his sis as well. cos her 21st bday. heh. dats very nice of him. i wunder if i'll do the same for my sis. hahaha.(ofcos in the end he still didn buy one for his sis la. but... its the tot dat counts rite? or is it...)
met up wif fishing gang after awhile(at PS) and joyce and leona as well. went to action city to while away some time. haha. then finally went up to lvl one. at first wanted to dine at cartel at PS. but they say PS too crowded. cine less crowded... ~_~ rite... haha.
so go cine lorr... since while we were still discussing... half of the grp already dissociated to cine liao. haha. so... off we go!
after some hoo hah.(and loadsa waiting) we finally got our seats at the cartel at cine. heh. then told sandra to bring kenneth down to basement. ohhhh u shud have seen the look on his face! ahahaha. can u imagine? ok if u cant heres a lil smth to help u:

haha. first time see this kinda face from him. lol.
want more pics? ok! here we go! haha.

singing the bday song...

our guest of honour! haha. ok la. actually its aso one of his presents.

food! glorious food!

oyster's point of view...

hmmm... i didn noe oscar the grouch had a cousin...=P

the girls at action city. or some of them at least. haha
lastly..... heres a foto of MY present! haha. dunoe why all of a sudden ken and san bought me a present. say early bday. haha. ^^ they say look like me lehhh...

look like mehhh...
haha. after dinner... some of us left early... most of us played air hockey at arcade(thats the third time im arcading in one day!) and TWO of us got lost. haha.
ok. dats it for now! if got more nice pics i will post! haha.