~ SICK ~
Urghhhh... I've been sick the whole day... now still feeling like shat. ~_~ spamm alot of water already but still lidat. tink i need to sleep more. haha. funny i should say that since im here typing this at this time.
its the 3rd week my com has been sick. rah rah. still cant get it to work. now i cant even get into safe mode to use any form of anti virus. great. now what. reformatt? then i'll lose ALOT of stuff ahhh... not to mention the hastle. hai.
some help? anyone?
ord seems so near yet so far... crappy. cant wait to get out of this crappy life.
~ i hate my com!!! ~
rah rah. dunoe why this weekend i come home my com give me super alot of problems... takes like wad 10-15 just to get to password screen and another 5-10 to get past all the startup apps. dunoe wth happen la. then after a SHORT while the whole thing will just hang or restart by itself. =_=
dam sian la! summore im stuck at home on a saturday afternoon when im suppose to be out watching spidey. YESH i haven watch spidey. and im gonna miss it for another weekend. =(
now i have to use my sister's lappy to get online. but the thing is... i cant remember my frens' blog addresses cos i use bookmarks one. hahaha. FUCK.
hai... so sian...
~ Old Notes ~
was just browsing through my old harddisk when i found a page of my scanned in pjc notes for foodchem.

kawaii desuka? hahaha.
~ one week ~
=s dunoe wad title la. haha. just blogging cos i didn blog for the whole week even though i was on Off the whole week.. haha. suddenly my blog quiet down again. hai-yerhh... maybe must buy another ds or smth. lol
its nice to have whole week block leaves but sometimes got withdrawal symptoms one. lol. i tink im beginning to suffer from that liao. haha. think im complaining too much.. haha. got off aso not happy no off aso not happy. hai... just let me ORD laaaaahhhhh...
haven watch spidey yet lorr. most my frens watch already. hai. lucky still got FG & Friends to watch with. lol. one of the advantages of having many friends...
went singing on friday at JEC kbox. wahaha farn. 4 ppl sing 5hrs+++ lol. really is sing until too tired to sing anymore. haha. the place was so empty by right is leave at 7 but 7.50 then the guy come and tell us last song. =p
went out today with the guys again(like on tuesday) did practically the same thing. but diff place la. hmmmm. i still prefer the maxwell zouk(as in the porridge ah not the clarb) to the chinatown one. the chinatown one is watery. hah
i wonder wads next week gonna be like. lucky i got buffer for my withdrawal symptoms. haha. cos bookin out on tues afternoon to go attend wedding dinner. haha.
thats all for now i guess... hah.