~ Wahh. ~
Sometimes when life(or death) gives you a message it's so in your face that it's hard to ignore.
*Yesterday was my 21st birthday.
*I made a wish that my family and friends would be blessed with good health.
*My grandfather died at night.
Wow. I'd be an idiot not to be getting the message eh? haha. Guess good health(and immortality) was too much to ask for. I should have just wished for a BMW or Merc.
Or maybe i shouldn have said out my wish. =s
~ Happy 21st Bday To Myself! ~
Waha it's 11.37 on my com clock currently. In less than ½ an hrs time my 21st birthday will be over. Thanks for all the birthday wishes guys.
Hmmm... Didn do much for my birthday today. Everyone's busy mugging for exams and I'm busy with my review work too. In fact I only went out today to get stuff to do my 2D work.
On the way back i decided to treat myself to smth so i bought a tub of haagen daaz rum n raisin. wahaha. Didn turn out as heavenly as i thought it would though. lol. Still, im almost through with the tub. can see bottom already.
After dinner, my family sat round the table with a cake my mom got for me and they sang songs, i blew out the candles. haha. i do have some shots but im lazy to upload. and most of the shots are quite dark with only me inside... lol
Didn really make a wish for anything in particular. i didn even close my eyes to wish it, haha.
(in chinese)
"blow out the candles!"
*i proceed to blow the candles*
just as i am about to blow
"make a wish!"
haha. so yea it was really last min and stuff but yea still made a wish. am i not suppose to say it? lol. haha. nvm la. Just wish that all my friends and family are kept healthy and if possible immortal.
ok, i just added in the last part but hey, can always update the wish one right. nowadays technology so up.
so yea thanks again to everyone for the birthday wishes! I guess that includes daniel for his pseudo birthday wish of: "YAY! EXAMS ARE OVER!" Got sms counted liao la. haha.
Haha. Really nice to just hear from you guys. Some of whom I have not been in contact with for quite some time... hmmmm. Thanks everyone who remembered my birthday or got facebook/friendster to remember for you. =D
~ Drawing Assessment Tml! ~
And i am still blogging... hahaha. K la, cos i already finished most part of my work so i think i deserve a lil break =p
Anyways... dunoe who will read this but im gonna do a bday wishlist! haha. Cos i have had the experience of buying presents for ALOT of people before. I know it is dam diff if dun even know where to start looking. so yea, i know this makes it sound like i am expecting presents. well kinda. LOL. Anyway these are just some ROUGH IDEAS. haha.
The following items/wishes are listed in terms of monetary value for easier referencing and should not be interpreted in any way to equate to it's actual value in general.
external flash unit for canon DSLR
msgr/sling bag that can hold camera and other stuffs
manfrotto tripod
dry cabinet
Ukulele autographed by frens
58mm polarising filter for canon lens
custom birthday card
spend my bday wimme on the 24th!
Some of the things you might not have even heard of before. haha. but yea like i said this is just a rough idea. Im not saying this is all you can get me and as you can see the cheapest option might not be the easiest to obtain. Just please, no watches? =D hope this helps.
~ haha. ~

omg. lol. well at least its not somewhere dam far away along the ECP like i heard from the stories. haha. so kinda heng. lol. but still... haha. go my sis's sec sch for jlpt. lol. dammit why cant gess offer jap 3rd lang.
~ Oh Noes! ~
omg! princess ning ning is sick again! lol. i reeaaally should stay away from that peanut butter and chocolate combo kinda thing. haha. same thing again. sore throat then lead into flu and now i tink bit of fever. urgh.
erhhh today had oral test at jcs! omg! haha. it went pretty well... but one question i misinterpreted. =x
I Didn know what kudamono was. infact i thought it was kudamo no omg la so i just anyhow guess and interpret. =x
OMG! I think the examiners must have been trying so hard not to L.O.L la! arghhhh.. so paiseh cannnn... =x
tml is the written test and wednesday is the listening. I've got other work to do from Lasalle and im down with flu. omg...
Erm... my graphics card fizzed out the day before. which kind of died at the right time. cos graphics card spoil more or less = can do work but cannot play game. hahaha. right now i really need to do work and don't play games. nonetheless i took it down to my unc's place to get it fixed. wont be replacing one since its still under warranty.
Urghhh nth much to blog abt already. haha. oh! my bday is coming up! how exciting!! can it get when it's on a monday and all your friends are having exams... hahaha.