hahaha... no that doesn stand for "YAY! I PASSED EVERY SINGLE SUBJECT FOR COMMON TEST!" in fact i haven even take my common test. haha. those big abbreviations actually mean "Pioneer Anti Stress Scheme" And no. its not a clever pun created by dennis yeo. rather it my coined theory. cos i tink the school has a secret underground organisation dedicated to relieving excessive stress in the school! hahaha. yes. that teacher has struck again. heres a recount of wad happened...
monday, 7th march noon. time frame:1200-1230
a small group of my frens including myself were headed for an empty classroom to go to where we can slack after our maths lecture when suddenly. a guy dressed in full black attired and shades ran up to us and shot us with an AK! ding lun and ricky went down instantly and the BRAVE zhi wei BRAVELY ran away. ok that last sentence was made up. but wad the heck, its for entertainment. haha. the "terrorist-neo" then proceeded on getting trigger happy with the students and other teachers in the science laboratories. As his action was quick, well planned out and professional. authorities did not arrive in time to apprehend him. eye witnesses are urged to call the hotline 1900-icantbelieveitijuzgotshotbyanakmandressedinfullblackattire.com-8888.
=D as u can see. the guy's probably got some screws loose but none the less, it helped relieve some pent up stress of certain individuals(students but mostly da teacher) and therefore increase productivity. PASS! the first step to passing ur exams! get it today! while stocks last! batteries not included, some assembly required, not suitable for children over 10000 years old.
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