Monday, July 10, 2006

~ A Long Long Time Ago ~

specially made this post cos i found smth today. not exactly found, more like noticed. it was there on my desk all along but got covered up by other stuff... although i specifically placed it there, but just totally forgot about it. Then today i found it while looking for smth else. you know that kinda feeling right, its quite a wonderful feeling. especially when what u found is smth of sentimental value like this..

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haha. that was taken when we were in pri5. lol. we look SO diff now lah. see the guy with the popcorn? he was migrating to HK at that time. so we were havin this farewell stay over at his place and this was taken when we were walking around JEP area. He was quite a nice guy, very soft spoken but quite funny. was quite close wif him, and we also mailed each other for awhile(dam stupid lah. dat time dun have internet. haha) buden he started country hopping or smth. so his address kept changing until just totally lost contact after dat.

hopefully will see him one of these days.. haha.

P.S for those in my GESS clique and u happen to visit here. Notice the white guy standing up...

thx san for reminding me about the "personal particulars" area. i cant believe ppl actually read that stuff...

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