~ Tiring WeekEnd ~
Hah. Update to my previous entry, i really did take mc for my rashes last week. and i mc-ed till tuesday. heh. after that when the outfield ppl came back we more or less did most of the other shit that was thrown to us. and they got to clear off and left at thursday evening.
For the rest of us, who booked out at friday evening. I rotted awhile in lot1 after bookin out cos meeting up with fg awhile later.
had dinner at this weird "seafood restaurant" in the middle of this park... restaurant i must stress is an overstatement because i cant say hawker center. its more like zi cha, buden its more or less a malay-ish place. Its supposedly very good but... the food wasnt fantastic. and the service definitely sucked. i dunoe why but it bothered me alot that we didn even get plates with the same kinda pattern. haha. just doesn seem professional to me. Hell, even the stalls from the canteens in my schools use the same plates.
And then there was the service. really weird cos they seem to be forgetting this and that all the time. not just the orders. they served the first dish, without giving us the cutlery before hand. -_- and when the cutlery came, there wasnt enough for all of us.
ok ok i should stop flaming that place already, it must be getting boring huh. lets see... ohhh we went to and fro but basically ended up in the kbox at cck. haha. freak man. recently keep singing. on top of that its usually friday night singing... dam ex!!! strangely the k at lot1 closes at 3... the one at je closes at 4 lehhhh. wth.
after singing, we took cab back to ben's place to stay over for the night. its been more than a year since i've been to that place. haha. his bro still very fun guy to hang arnd with. and the carpets still very nice to lie on. i wanted to play with his bro drumset but it was what 3+ in the morning. haha. plus his bro said the room very messy.
so we more or less played bridge till the sun came back up... after that it was a while of stoning and trying to wake urself up.
then we moved our sleepy asses and walked to the nearest mac for breakfast. hah. tink my digestive system was sleeping or wad. i really couldn eat much. i couldn even finish a hotcakes meal!
after the stop at macs we continued on to ros place. cos we were supposed to change there and pick up the rackets and stuff to play... tennis! haha wth right. hmmmm. in between there was some commotion and misunderstandings... but the tennis turned out alright la. we had some fun and i managed to do some nice serves! WAHAHAHA.
after awhile when we got sick of tennis, we played this inprovised verion of captain's ball for 6 ppl that sorted got invented on the spot. however it did resemble touch rug, ultimate risbee and this weird game we played during pe back in jc...
when the whole tennis event was over(about 1+ in the afternoon), we went back to macs for some drinks. then we discussed on what to do after that. whether we should meet up again after everyone went back to bathe... and its longer than the usual discussion cos everyone was more or less stoned. particularly ben who kept dosing off.. haha
in the end we just decided to go home and decide later. lol. and that was wan qing's suggestion. have to give her credit for that. haha. cos after that we just didn meet up liao. lol.
so i reached home at 3+pm. bathed and had those black dreamless sleeps till i woke up at 6+
washed up abit then went out for dinner with the my gess frens who i usually refer to as "the guys" here. nth fancy just had some dinner and walk around. incidentally my miso crunch set dropped off the table cos it wasn balanced properly... (according to my frens its "paying restaurant rates for kfc!) anyways we met stevey! haha. haven seen that guy for very long liao. its nice to catch up. then he followed us and walk around. lol. group of them were just continously talking bout wow all the time. WOW. -_-
ended up in a lan-shop played a game of dota then realised we should play some nonsense games. so we did. and then we had fun.
took the last 63 back home. wash up then slp till this morning. waha. thats about it.
wow. hows this for a long entry. lol. ja..
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