haha. wth man. lol. =D today sucked. aha. wads new?
hmmmm... lets start from one week ago... halal pork didn even bother remembering our names back then. we were always addressed as "this boy" and "that girl". Suddenly she started to make the effort to remember our names. wow! miracle sia! -_- she told us this herself la. "cos next week the VP coming to sit in, so it will look bad if i dunoe ur names" _|_ FUCK U LA.
Then yesterday she was telling us stuff like. "you wanna pass ur exams right? so i wanna pass mine too" and "ok class. tml if we have discussion and u dun agree ah, u still agree in the end ok?" "no la. wad acting? eh u cannot say lidat"
she made used the whole dam period yesterday to prepare for today la! make us do essay approaches for questions which WE ALREADY DONE BEFORE. -_- then we cannot finish in time she die die want us to stay back and finish her props for her.
Today she in class... wah like suddenly so good lidat. F-ed up leh. so hypocrite. Standing all the way sia... Usually she sit at back of class and slack and when song juz interrupt the one presenting. say some crap to make her presence known. -_- or worse case la. SLEEP. dat bloody bag of lard. the only good contribution i can see dat she does to society is dat ppl like her make normal ppl like me seem perfect. haha. tink she will contribute more working in an oil refinery. she can generate enough petrol to support the world's oil consumption for at least 10 yrs man. i hate her. i hate her dad and mom for even producing such a hypocritical retard.
i hate the beer dat night dat made her mum even attractive enough for her dad to mate. (read this off somewhere before. haha.) ok. so after the lesson over... and the VP left... only bout 2 groups out of.. 6 presented. she juz threw back the rest of the transparencies to us la! WTH! RRRRRRRRRRR... haha.
Ok. dun tok bout dat halal pork already la. today had chem spa... i screwd it up la! wah lau! titration leh! and i screwd it up! rrrrr... i forgot to wear googles -_-
ARG. tml bio spa! ahhhhh! and friday got chem and math test! wahhhh... haha... stayed back and studied in sch again today... heh. went tot the pond area between the 2 classroom blocks and lied down there and study... haha.
Hmmmm... dats abt it for today....
Day's ratings:7/10
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