RRRRRRRRRR!!!! my sister can juz go fuck off and die la. she juz totally sux man. i've tried all dat i can to be a nice brother... but shes really too much la. bloody fucker. i hope her handphone gets stuck inside her ass and cannot come out and everytime she wanna shit she have to call her phone to make it vibrate to let the shit come out. Rrrrr...
Sorry bout the vulgarities. The rest of this entry should have no more vulgarities liao. should. Here's the main situation... I study everyday in sch until 8+ 9... reach home dam tired liao... dun feel like studying... all i want is to arrive home to a nice meal, nice bath and lemme com abit. Dats all i ask! and its not an everyday thing! Arg. But guess wad she does EVERYDAY??? She juz sits her ass infront of the com push back the keyboard and do her maths there. -_- and she juz HOG THE DAM COM until 1+ or more. Ask her lend me she dun want. And she tink she got every single right to be there juz cos she was there first. And when she OCCASIONALLY LENDS ME, she go on 8-9 bittorents and windows and if i close she du lan. KNS LA. might as well juz be tellin me dun let me use right? then juz now she make so much noise my father woke up... and he scold her say why she keep d/l-ing movies, she got so much time meh? then she say:"DL FIRST LA! NEXT TIME THEN WATCH LA!" kns. she reply or rather shouted back so fierce like ppl owe her their lives lidat. Ofcourse my dad du lan la. he got so pissed he say tml wanna discontinue internet. then i -_- SO DAM UNFAIR LOR. i tink he wun really do it la... but dunoe him la... sometimes he can get really crazy... but anyway, i really cant stand this sister la. i dun understand why can have nice nice sis out there like hmmm... eve? haha. then i have to have this type of KNS one. rrrrrr... SHE TINKS SHE HAS THE RIGHT TO EVERYTHING LA. every night i come home she sit infront of com and hog hog hog hog hog... then ask her get off she give crap excuses like "i listening music" or "my things here already, i lazy to shift" -_- is like sitting on the toilet bowl reading newspaper and not letting ppl who really wanna shit use la. u get wad i mean right... wad a screwd up sister and she has a screwd up life. She J2 this year la incase anyone of u guys dunoe... So she taking A-levels this yr. hope she fails.
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