Thursday, May 28, 2009


if you've been wondering why i've not been blogging lately. Its because i am lazy.

That. And the fact that i just got a job(quite tiring one at that) yesterday.

That. And the fact that my mom was hospitalized due to a persistent fever. Doc discharged her but shes still having fever. (Talk about persistent huh)

So the days when she was in the hospital was quite lame. Luckily I didn have a job yet. Cos of the whole H1N1 hoo ha, visiting mom in hospital has been reeeeaaallllyyyy inconvenient. Have to register at the counter before we are allowed to go up everytime we visit. And only 2 ppl are allowed officially to visit a patient. -_- The que to register is just really very long.

Well at least thats over. Hopefully the medicine the doc gave will make my mom better. Mean the fever la. The cancer... Shes visiting some thai doc for it. haha. i know it sounds really unorthodox but the "orthodox" methods have all but failed. The medcine is based on herbs so shouldn have too much problems. Anyways her appetite seems to be improving these days so... Im keeping my fingers crossed. Talk about cross. That faith healing sermone didn work. so yea.

but yea. gotta thank all my friends and relatives who have been suggesting different ways to help my mom. Thank you all so much.

Thursday, May 21, 2009



came across the unedited version of the above pic at the JLPT website. Thought it was kinda nice. Really puts things into perspective no? Feels like its challenging you to take a figure of yourself and plant it on the height that appropriately represents where you stand.

Thats... kinda where i stand now. hahaha. I think this thing has the potential to turn into an inspirational poster. haha. Credits to for the original image.

Friday, May 08, 2009

~wow. He really didn die.~



got that from the CNA website. google it if you want. WOW. Guess this just debunked those conspiracy theories regarding him dying and cover ups. Hmmm... Or maybe this guy who just got caught was actually a homeless guy on the streets! And the forced him to undergo plastic surgery to look like MS! haha. Consiracy theories never end do they?

Sunday, May 03, 2009

~Attack All Around~

Recently "discovered" this jap pop grp on youtube. they've been around for awhile already. In fact they did the opening song for Initial D 4 と思います。

what really caught my attention apart from the fast catchy tune of "blood on fire" was the voice of the female lead(misako uno) that really stood out.

check out the MV of another one of their song Get Chu!

Get CHUU!! - AAA (Attack All Around)

かわいですよ! とてもかわいです! hahaha