Tuesday, May 11, 2004


Nop. Its not christmas yet. haha. But i sure am happy now. lol.

Today started off like any other day. Went down my house the vin man already there liao. It was already 6.46 I was supposed to bring the keys down and start up the car first. I forgot. Then my sis and mom came down. Had to go up take car keys... -_- sian diao. 6.50 in car.
Tot gonna be late liao. In the end my mum fetch me all the way to PJC and i ended up being early instead. haha

Got NAPFA during P.E. 5 stations. Did standing broad jump. Got a meagre D. but at least i passed it. Darn was 4 cm from next grade...
Next was pullups. Woah i did 6! haha. This the first time in my life i did 6! haha. Usually i do 4 peng already. lol. Then had shuttle run. 10.2 secs. heh. Darn it again!!! .1 seconds from next grade! arrr!!! Then is situps... That one was easy... haha. Last was sit&reach. Tot i was gonna get a C or smth. Dunoe how(tink was nvr position properly or smth) but i got a 54! heh. Woot. 18 pts liao! 1 more pt to silver! then i dunid retake!! wahaha!

After sch, went to Creative hq collect my speakers. Sent it for repairs abt 1 week ago. Guy called yesterday tell me can collect liao. Lemme sidetracke abit. Was at the jurong bus interchange waiting for bus. Lott was havin a bad mood... coz of some reason or another... heh. managed to cheer her up abit! Whee... it feels so good to cheer someone up! ^^ Bus driver came and i headed for creative's. Turns out they replaced my speaker with new one! hahaha! good sia.

Went home. Mom gave me some $$ go buy the pair of 3/4 jeans i saw bout 2 weeks ago. heh. nice ar... although abit ex. but its nice! hahaha.

Woot! Dat sums up my day... wahaha. gtg byebye!

Day's ratings:8/10 (wahaha. NAPFA was abit bove my expectations. got my speakers. cheered up lott. got my pants. wahaha.)

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